Over the course of several years, I worked with Day 1 Studios on FEAR 3. Into the project, I was the Lead Modeler, and managed both a group of in-house artists as well as two different outsourcing groups.

I handled a wide variety of tasks outside of managing including both props and full level construction. Below are a few of the props I did and some screenshots from the last level of the game - Ward.

For some time, I was the only artist on this level and continued to be the lead environment artist on it throughout its several month production. I had some additional help given to me from time to time as artists were between tasks and they were instrumental in helping solidify the look of the level with a few of the props, texture work, and lighting.

Below are just a few of the props I specifically worked on for the game.

One of the other roles I took on in FEAR 3 was taking areas of the game that needed overhauled and worked to get it done, sometimes working directly with another artist or designer or working with outsourcing to get all the assets in and engine functional.  Below are a few areas I heavily impacted.